Above all else, we promise to bring expertise and passion to everything we do.


The Utah Gem Gallery provides expert analysis for any gem, jewelry, or estate related situation.  From analyzing your gemstones for identification and treatment analysis, to buying your first engagement ring, to selling your jewelry, gold and silver bullion, estate jewelry, and coins. Set up an appointment to come see our large selection of colored gems with the best colored stone collection in the state of Utah.


Global Experts, Based Locally

The Utah Gem Gallery is more than just a place to by diamonds.  We are a globally connected resource to the gem world. 


GIA Graduates


Global Reach


AGA Certified


Real Connection


We strive to be your one-stop shop for informative decision making with gems, jewelry, gold, silver, and coins.  Matthew is a Graduate Gemologist (2005) from the Gemological Institute of America.  Matthew is also the owner of the only AGA (Accredited Gemologists Association) Certified Gem Lab in the Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming area. His experience and expertise in the industry has enabled him to cultivate connections and develop global relationships that lead to a better value and experience for you. Amber is a GIA Applied Jewelry Professional supporting the Gem Gallery in every way possible. We look forward to helping you with your gemstone and jewelry needs.

It's passion separates us from the crowd.

committed to bringing the rarity of the world back to utah



"I am passionate when it comes to appreciating rarity from around the earth. I believe that jewelry is the highest form of gifting, and self reward. Each gemstone and each individual should be carefully understood. And so should the style of jewelry they wear. This is such a fun and rewarding experience. I get to deal in and pursue rarity from around the world. And share it with others. The more I learn about gems the more I love them. The deeper I understand them the more I understand how slight and subtle differences can significantly impact value."  

- Michael J. Benjamin